Papers and Presentations: Learning Mechanisms in the DCL
Research Brief
Research Brief
‘Time warp’ takes students to Native American past to search for solutions for the future
‘Time warp’ takes students to Native American past to search for solutions for the future
We published this article in celebration of Native American Month. We found that students become more emotionally engaged when it's presented in a interactive way.
Presentation at the Institute of Education Sciences 2021 PI Meeting
Presentation at the Institute of Education Sciences 2021 PI Meeting
Immersive Dialogue Approaches to Cultivating Civic Reasoning
Immersive Dialogue Approaches to Cultivating Civic Reasoning
We present at the Institute of Education Sciences 2021 PI meeting to spark interactive discussions on employing immersive learning and dialogic teaching in elementary social studies classrooms to foster civic reasoning and citizenship, especially in times of social and political polarization.